Financial Karma – The Money that came back

Financial Karma: A Great story about Money!
There are people who walk into my life who have an energy I can feed off. People who carry an openness and an optimism that helps them enjoy their lives. I have clients like this. They want to do what is best for themselves and their family. They are not interested in shortcuts, and they don’t like cheating. They want to sleep well at night.
Over the years I’ve met other personalities. People who want to get back at their ex-wives and ex-husbands. People who fixate on sticking it to their enemies, real or perceived. People who want to figure out ways to cheat the government and get away with it. The energy these people are putting off is negative. It’s a poison.
This is where the ancient Indian religious concept of karma comes to mind. It’s the idea that our destiny is closely related to the energy we put into the universe.
Here’s a story I read recently that makes me think of good karma:
There’s a woman, a mother of three, who has been working as a vendor in the upper decks of QUALCOMM Stadium in San Diego for years. During one game she slipped and lost more than $1,000 in cash over the railing. All of those bills went drifting like tickertape over the lower deck. The fans down there couldn’t believe it.
The woman was out of luck, right? Except that the people in the upper deck stood up immediately and, pointing at the woman, they yelled, “It’s her money!” Within 10 minutes a security guard was handing all the money back to her.
Can you imagine the positive energy that gave all these people? I hope everyone slept well that night. In the upper decks and the lower decks both, they all deserved it.



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