You Won’t Ever Hear Me Say the Word, but…

So here’s a word I’ve never seen before.
 concinnity 1. internal harmony or fitness in the adaptation of parts to a whole or to each other.
I’d never seen it, never heard it, and I’m not exactly sure who on Earth uses it. But it’s the definition that sounds familiar. It sums everything I’m trying to do in my life right now.
In those times, especially, when my personal life flows into my professional life.
Like this:  My wife and I are getting the kids ready for the day. We both work and we’re getting ourselves ready too. It’s a challenge – if you’ve raised kids you know it — but recently I had a morning I’d like to repeat over and over.
It went like this: I load my 3-year-old daughter into the jogger, and push her out of the driveway into the cool autumn air. The streets are empty and I’m running out in front of her to talk. Where are you going today, Jade?
Big smile. We do a three-mile loop, a distance that gives me good energy. On top of that, I get time with Jade. She loves the attention — her older sister is off to school — and she loves the ride. I love the way it all sets my thoughts in motion.
Internal harmony? Fitness? Adaption of parts to a whole?
That’s what I got going that morning.
Because after the run, I show up at my office rested, alert, and fulfilled. I’m bringing my best energy to work. There, all day, I’m examining the parts of one portfolio after another, to see that these parts are working together, in harmony.
Sometimes it means standing pat. Sometimes it’s putting some part of a portfolio in motion. But it’s always about being sure that the rest of the picture adapts accordingly.
Concinnity. You won’t hear me say the word. But as a mantra, it’s in my mind.
Listen to Win Damon and i chat briefly about this topic on  Listen every Tuesday morning at 8:30 for insightful financial tips!




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